35 Boutot Lane $759,000 - For sale ID#: NB090904 3+1 Beds 4 Baths 36 Rainford Court $2,200/Month - For rent ID#: NB110634 3 Beds 2 Baths 1070 170 Route $309,000 - For sale ID#: NB109090 2 Beds 1 Baths 103 Route 778 $409,000 - For sale ID#: NB110622 2+1 Beds 3 Baths 24-3 Spruce Lane $25,000 - For sale ID#: NB110531 Beds N/A Baths N/A 9646 Route 134 $295,000 - For sale ID#: NB107109 3 Beds 2 Baths 10 Hartland Bridge Hill Road $424,000 - For sale ID#: NB111428 3 Beds 3 Baths Lot 22-3 Indian Island $47,500 - For sale ID#: M152732 Beds N/A Baths N/A 599 West River Road $675,000 - For sale ID#: M160275 3 Beds 4 Baths 508 MacDougall Road $259,900 - For sale ID#: NB110626 3 Beds 2 Baths 24-02 Chultun Court $67,500 - For sale ID#: M159349 Beds N/A Baths N/A Lot Pallot et route 11 $85,000 - For sale ID#: NB090367 Beds N/A Baths N/A 392 605 Route $279,000 - For sale ID#: NB105485 3 Beds 3 Baths Bunker Hill Road $85,900 - For sale ID#: NB101950 Beds N/A Baths N/A 85 Biddington Avenue $80,000 - For sale ID#: NB110957 2 Beds 1 Baths 198 Bedard Street $299,900 - For sale ID#: NB110799 3 Beds 2 Baths 2 Bridgeview Drive $24,900 - For sale ID#: NB107869 Beds N/A Baths N/A 10040 144 Route $225,000 - For sale ID#: NB103939 2 Beds 2 Baths 27 McCoy Street $424,900 - For sale ID#: NB109701 3+2 Beds 2 Baths Lot 15-B Burchills Flats $71,500 - For sale ID#: NB088664 Beds N/A Baths N/A Lot Caraquet Island $19,000 - For sale ID#: NB093606 Beds N/A Baths N/A Find Your Dream Home! Status For lease For rent For sale Min Price $30,000 $50,000 $80,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 Max Price $30,000 $50,000 $80,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $199,999 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $299,999 $300,000 $350,000 $399,999 $400,000 $450,000 $499,999 $500,000 $599,999 $600,000 $699,999 $700,000 $799,999 $800,000 $899,999 $900,000 $999,999 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $1,700,000 $2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $20,000,000 $30,000,000 $40,000,000 $50,000,000 Min Beds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Min Baths 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Property Type Commercial Residential Agriculture Business Industrial Institutional - Special Purpos Multi-family Office Other Recreational Retail Single Family Vacant Land Location Aberdeen Aboujagane Acadieville Adams Gulch Adamsville Albert Mines Aldouane Allardville Allison Alma Alnwick Ammon Anagance Andersonville Apohaqui Arbeau Settlement Aroostook Arthurette Ashland Astle Atholville Aulac Back Bay Bagdad Baie Verte Baie-sainte-anne Baillie Bains Corner Bairdsville Baker Brook Balmoral Baltimore Bannon Barachois Barnaby River Barnesville Barnettville Barryville Bartibog Bas Cap Pele Bas-caraquet Bass River Basswood Ridge Bath Bathurst Bay Du Vin Bayfield Bayside Bayswater Beaconsfield Bear Island Beardsley Beaubassin East Beaver Brook Beaver Dam Beaver Harbour Bedell Beechwood Beersville Belledune Bellefond Belleisle Creek Benoit Benton Beresford Berry Mills Berryton Bertrand Bettsburg Big River Birch Ridge Birdton Black Point Black River Bridge Blacks Harbour Blackville Bloomfield Bocabec Boiestown Bois-blanc Bois-gagnon Bonny River Boom Road Bouctouche Bouctouche Bay Bouctouche Cove Boudreau-ouest Boundary Creek Brantville Briggs Corner Brockway Browns Flat Bryenton Burntland Brook Burton Burtts Corner Cains River Caissie Cape Calhoun California Settlement Cambridge-narrows Campbell Settlement Campbellton Campobello Campobello Island Canaan Canaan Forks Canal Canoose Canterbury Cap-bateau Cap-pelé Cape Spear Caraquet Carlingford Carlow Cassidy Lake Central Greenwich Central Hainesville Central Waterville Centreville Chamberlain Settlement Chambers Settlement Chamcook Champ Dore Chance Harbour Chaplin Island Road Charlo Charters Settlement Chiasson Office Chipman Clair Clarence Ridge Clarendon Clarkville Clifton Clifton Royal Cloverdale Coal Branch Coal Creek Coates Mills Coburg Cocagne Codys Coles Island Collette Colpitts Settlement Cormier Village Cormierville Cornhill Coteau Road Crabbe Mountain Crocker Hill Cross Creek Cumberland Bay Currie Dalhousie Dalhousie Junction Damascus Darlings Island Dawson Settlement Debec Deer Island Deerville Derby Dieppe Dipper Harbour Divide Dixon Point Doaktown Dorchester Douglas Douglas Harbour Dover Doyles Brook Drummond Dsl De Drummond/dsl Of Drummond Dsl De Grand-sault/falls Dufferin Dugas Duguayville Dumfries Dundas Dundee Dunlop Durham Bridge Dutch Valley East Brighton East Centreville East Grand Lake East Newbridge Edgetts Landing Edmundston Eel River Crossing Eel River Lake Elgin Elmsville Elmwood Escuminac Évangéline Everett Exmoor Fairhaven Fairisle Fawcett Hill Fielding Florenceville-bristol Flowers Cove Flume Ridge Fords Mills Forest Glen Fosterville Four Falls Four Roads Fredericton Fredericton Junction French Lake Frosty Hollow Fundy Gagetown Galloway Gardiner Point Garnett Settlement Gaspereau Forks Gauvreau Glassville Glenvale Gloucester Junction Gordonsville Grafton Grand Bay-westfield Grand Falls Grand Lake Grand Manan Grand Manan Island Grand-barachois Grand-sault/grand Falls Grande-anse Grande-digue Gravel Hill Gray Rapids Greater Lakeburn Green River Greenhill Greenwich Grove Hill Hampstead Hampton Haneytown Hanwell Harcourt Hardwicke Hardwood Ridge Hartland Harvey Hatfield Point Haut-lamèque Haut-paquetville Haut-rivière-du-portage Haute-aboujagane Havelock Hawkshaw Hay Settlement Hayman Hill Heathland Hersonville Hicks Settlement Highfield Hillsborough Holmesville Holtville Hopewell Cape Hopewell Hill Howard Howard Brook Hoyt Hunters Home Indian Island Indian Mountain Inkerman Irishtown Island View Jacksontown Jacksonville Jardineville Jemseg Johnson Settlement Johnston Point Johnville Juniper Kars Kedgwick Keenans Kent Junction Kent Lake Keswick Ridge Kiersteadville Killarney Road Kincardine Kingsley Kingston Kirkland Knowlesville Knoxford Kouchibouguac L'etete Lac Baker Lake Edward Lake George Lakeburn Lakeview Lakeville Lakeville Corner Lamberts Cove Lambertville Lamèque Landry Office Laplante Lavillette Lawrence Station Le Goulet Lee Settlement Leonardville Lepreau Letang Lincoln Lisson Settlement Little Bartibog Little Lepreau Little Ridge Little Shemogue Long Creek Long Reach Long Settlement Longs Creek Lorne Losier Settlement Lower Brighton Lower Cambridge Lower Cape Lower Coverdale Lower Derby Lower Durham Lower Greenwich Lower Kars Lower Newcastle Lower Prince William Lower Woodstock Ludlow Lutes Mountain Lynnfield Macdougall Settlement Maces Bay Mactaquac Madran Main River Mainstream Maisonnette Malden Maltempec Manners Sutton Mapledale Markhamville Marne Mascarene Mates Corner Maugerville Maxwell Mayfield Mazerolle Settlement Mcadam Mcgivney Mcintosh Hill Mckees Mills Mckenna Mckinleyville Mclean Settlement Mcleods Mcquade Meadow Brook Memramcook Memramcook East Menneval Middle Hainesville Middle River Middlesex Midland Mill Brook Mill Cove Millerton Milltown Millville Minto Miramichi Miramichi Bay Miramichi Road Miscou Mispec Moncton Monteagle Moores Mills Morrisdale Mount Middleton Mundleville Murray Corner Musquash Nackawic Napadogan Napan Nash Creek Nashwaak Bridge Nashwaaksis Nasonworth Nauwigewauk Neguac Nelson Hollow Nepisiguit Falls New Bandon New Canaan New Denmark New Horton New Jersey New Line Road New Maryland New Mills New River Beach Newbridge Newburg Newcastle Newcastle Centre Newcastle Creek Newtown Nicholas Denys Nictau Nigadoo Noinville Noonan North Lake North Tetagouche North View Norton Notre-dame Notre-dame-de-lourdes Notre-dame-des-Érables Oak Bay Oak Haven Oak Point Oakland Old Ridge Oromocto Oxbow Pabineau Falls Paquetville Parkindale Parlee Brook Passekeag Peel Pembroke Pennfield Penniac Penobsquis Perth-andover Petit-cap Petit-paquetville Petit-rocher Petit-rocher-nord Petit-rocher-sud Petit-tracadie Petitcodiac Petite-lamèque Petite-rivière-de-i'lle Picadilly Piercemont Pigeon Hill Pinder Pine Glen Plaster Rock Plumweseep Pocologan Point La Nim Pointe De Bute Pointe-À-tom Pointe-alexandre Pointe-brûlée Pointe-canot Pointe-des-robichaud Pointe-du-chêne Pointe-sapin Pointe-verte Pokemouche Pokesudie Pokiok Pomeroy Ridge Pont-landry Poodiac Port Elgin Portage Portage Vale Porter Cove Prince Of Wales Prince William Princess Park Printz Cove Public Landing Quarryville Queenstown Quispamsis Rang-saint-georges Ratter Corner Red Rapids Red Rock Redbank Renous Rexton Riceville Richibouctou-village Richibucto Richibucto Road Richmond Corner Richmond Settlement Riley Brook Rio Grande Ripples River Glade Riverbank Riverside-albert Riverview Rivière-À-la-truite Rivière-du-portage Rivière-verte Roachville Robertville Robinsonville Rockport Rogersville Rollingdam Rosaireville Rosevale Rothesay Rowena Rusagonis Russellville Sackville Saint Andrews Saint David Ridge Saint James Saint John Saint Margarets Saint-andré Saint-andre-leblanc Saint-antoine Saint-arthur Saint-basile Saint-charles Saint-damien Saint-edouard-de-kent Saint-françois-de-madawaska Saint-grégoire Saint-ignace Saint-isidore Saint-jacques Saint-jean-baptiste-de-restigouche Saint-joseph Saint-joseph-de-kent Saint-joseph-de-madawaska Saint-léolin Saint-léonard Saint-léonard-parent Saint-louis Saint-louis-de-kent Saint-marie-saint-raphaël Saint-maure Saint-norbert Saint-paul Saint-philippe Saint-quentin Saint-sauveur Saint-simon Saint-thomas-de-kent Saint-wilfred Sainte-anne-de-kent Sainte-anne-de-madawaska Sainte-cécile Sainte-marie-de-kent Sainte-marie-saint-raphaël Sainte-rose Salem Salisbury Salmon Beach Salmon River Rd Salt Springs Saumarez Savoie Landing Scotch Ridge Scotch Settlement Scotchtown Scoudouc Sea Side Second Falls Second North River Seeleys Cove Sevogle Shediac Shediac Bridge Shediac Cape Shediac River Shemogue Shenstone Shepody Shippagan Siegas Sillikers Simonds Sisson Ridge Six Roads Skiff Lake Smithfield Smithtown Somerville Sormany South Branch South Canaan South Esk South Nelson South Tetagouche Southampton Springdale Springfield St George St-hilaire St. Martins St. Stephen Stanley Steeves Mountain Stilesville Storeytown Strathadam Summerfield Sunny Corner Sussex Sussex Corner Tabusintac Targettville Taxis River Tay Creek Taymouth Teahans Corner Temperance Vale The Glades Three Tree Creek Tide Head Tilley Tilley Road Titusville Tower Hill Tracadie Tracadie Beach Tracy Tracyville Tremblay Trois Ruisseaux Trudel Tryon Settlement Turtle Creek Two Brooks Tynemouth Creek Upham Upper Blackville Upper Cape Upper Coverdale Upper Derby Upper Gagetown Upper Golden Grove Upper Hainesville Upper Hampstead Upper Kent Upper Keswick Upper Kingsclear Upper Mills Upper Miramichi Upper Queensbury Upper Rexton Upper Salmon Creek Upper Tracy Upper Waweig Upper Woodstock Upperton Utopia Val-comeau Val-d'amour Verret Village-des-poirier Waasis Wards Creek Waterford Waterville Waweig Wayerton Weldon Welshpool West Isles Westcock Weston Wheaton Settlement White Head Island White Rapids Whites Brook Whites Cove Whites Mountain Whitney Wickham Wicklow Williamsburg Williamstown Willow Grove Wilmot Wilsons Beach Windsor Wirral Wood Point Woodside Woodstock Wuhrs Beach Yoho Youngs Cove Zealand Zionville Structure Type Condominium Duplex Fourplex House Other Recreational Triplex Waterfront Only - No Waterfront Only - Yes Hide Filters Any Property Status For Lease For Rent For Sale Minimum Price $30,000 $50,000 $80,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 Maximum Price $30,000 $50,000 $80,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 Minimum Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Maximum Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Minimum Bathrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Maximum Bathrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Any Property Type Commercial Residential Agriculture Business Industrial Institutional - Special Purpos Multi-family Office Other Recreational Retail Single Family Vacant Land Any Structure Type Condominium Duplex Fourplex House Other Recreational Triplex Near Any Lake / River Aboujagane River Atlantic Ocean Baie De Caraquet Baie De Lameque Baie De Tracadie Baie Des Chaleurs Baie Des Shippagan Baker Baker Brook River Bartibog River Bay Des Chaleur Bay Des Chaleurs Bay Du Vin Bay Of Chaleur Bay Of Fundy Bay Of Fundy - Harbour De Lute Bay Of Fundy - Meadow Brook Cove Bay Of Fundy - Snug Cove Bay Of Fundy - The Nubble Beaver Harbour Becaguimec Stream Belleisle Bay Bill Black River Bocabec Bay Bocabec Cove Bocabec River Bouctouche Bay Bouctouche River Burn Church River Burn Churche River Calvin Lake Canoose Stream Chaleur Bay Chamcook Harbour Chamcook Lake Chockpish River Church River Cocagne Harbour Cocagne River Coldstream Crocker Lake Darlings Lake Dewitts Pond Digdeguash Lake Digdeguash River Dolan Lake Duck Lake East Branch Limestone Stream East Grand Lake Eel River Eel River Lake Fish Harbour Florina Beach Fundy Bay Gaspereau Forks Gaspereau River Golfe St-laurent Grand Lake Grand Lake Northeast Arm Grande Rivière De Tracadie Grandlake Green Lake Greens Lake Gulf Of St. Lawrence Hammond Hammond River Harbour De Lute Hinds Bay Hortons Creek Kendrick Lake Kennebecasis Kennebecasis River Kennebecasis, Saint John Kerrs Lake Keyhole Lake Kouchibouguac River Kouchibouguacis River Kouchibouguacis.river Lac Baker Lac Unique Lake Utopia Little Black River Little Bouctouche River Little Lepreau Basin Little River Little Southwest Miramichi River Mactaquac Arm Magaguadavic Magaguadavic River Main South West Miramichi Mcconnell Brook Meduxnekeag River Memramcook River Middle Dam Middle River Mill River Millstream River Miramichi Bay Miramichi Inner Bay Miramichi River Mohonnes Stream Molous River Monquat Stream Napan River Nashwaak River Nepisiguit River Nerepis North Black River North Branch Meduxnekeag North Branch Muzroll Brook North Lake Northumberland Northumberland Straight Northumberland Strait Northwest Miramichi Northwest Miramichi River Oak Bay Ocean And Beach Oromocto Lake Pabineau Falls Palmer Cove Parlee Beach Passamaguoddy Bay Passamaquoddy Bay Peticodiac Petitcodiac Petitcodiac River Petite-tracadie River Pinnacle Brook Pocologan Harbour Pokemouche River Pond Presque Isle Quisibis River Restigouche River Restigouche River/baie Des Chaleurs Richibucto River Rivière De Caraquet Rivière De Tracadie Rivière De Tracadie / Baie De Tracadie Riviere Madawaska Rivière Pokemouche Riviere Saint-simon Rusagonis Stream Sadler Lake Saint John Saint John River Salmon River Second Eel River Shediac Shediac Bay Shediac River Shemogue Harbour Smelt Brook South Branch St Nicholas River South Oromocto River South West Miramichi River Southwest Miramichi Southwest Miramichi River Southwest Miramichi/bartholomew Soutwest Miramichi River St Croix River St John St John River St-john River St. Croix St. Croix River Stymiests Mill Brook / Tabusintac River Sw Miramichi River Tabusintac River Taxis River Ten Mile Creek The Canal Tobique River Washademoak Lake Waweig River Wells Brook West Tennants 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